KeyBoard Shortcuts in Windows And MAC
Basic Shortcuts Description Windows Mac OS Edit menu Alt + E Ctrl + F2 + F File menu Alt + F Ctrl + F2 + E View menu Alt + V Ctrl + F2 + V Select all text Ctrl + A Cmd + A Copy text Ctrl + C Cmd + C Find text Ctrl + F Cmd + F Find and replace text Ctrl + H Cmd + F New Document Ctrl + N Cmd + N Open a file Ctrl + O Cmd + O Print options Ctrl + P Cmd + P Save file Ctrl + S Cmd + S Paste text Ctrl + V Cmd + V Cut text Ctrl + X Cmd + X Redo text Ctrl + Y Shift + Cmd + Z Undo text Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z Text Editing Description Windows Mac OS Cursor Movement Go to the right or to the beginning of next line break Right Arrow Right Arrow Go to the left or to the end of previous line break Left Arrow Left Arrow Go up one row Up Arrow Up Arrow Go down one row Down Arrow Down Arrow Go to the beginning of the current line Home Cmd + Left Arrow Go to the end of the current line End Cmd + Right Arrow Go to the beginning of the document Ctrl + Home Cmd + Up Arrow Go ...